Mini Courses
Breathwork for Anxiety - mini course
No one in the history of calming down has ever calmed down by being told to calm down! It’s just not that easy. BUT we do have access to a very powerful tool- the breath- which can, with a bit of practice, have a profound effect on your physiology, energy and mood.
Breaking Free with Yoga Nidra - mini course
Have you noticed certain patterns in your relationships or life that seem to be stuck on repeat? Of course! You’re human! One of the beautiful benefits of a yoga practice is that we strengthen the ability to be self-reflective and notice these grooves that form in our minds….but then what? How do we break free of the patterns that no longer serve us?
Let’s Go To Vagus! - mini course
In a perfect world we would peacefully move back and forth from engagement to restfulness. Well…it ain’t a perfect world and often we can get stuck, hyper-aroused or stalled out which can begin to wear down both the body and spirit. Enter in the majestic Vagus Nerves!
In-Depth Courses
Breath Bandha & Mantra
When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace. Explore the anatomical and poetic models of the breath, Vayus, diaphragms, bandhas, granthis and mantra in this very special 20-hr course
DESIRE - the 4 week course
DESIRE gets a bad reputation especially in our Yoga communities. We somehow get the message that as Yogis we should somehow be above all desire. What if we shifted our relationship with this word? What would blossom in our life (and our communities) if we focused on:
What gives our life a shine?
How can we support ourselves and gather the means so that we can thrive?
How can we celebrate our senses, our sensuality and create beauty in our world?
What unburdens our soul?
Of course we will dive into muscle, organ and bone in this region but we equally acknowledge this “core” of the body houses the experience of emotional processing and release. How we breathe, how we move, how we digest are inextricably woven together in the tapestry of who we are and who we wish to become.
Are you ready to dive deep into the ESSENTIALS that every Yoga Teacher should know?
This training is NOT about memorizing facts and figures but rather learning an embodied and holistic approach to the magnificent body that will have an immediate effect on you and your students!
Learn major muscles and joint structures of the body vital to any Yoga Teacher and practitioner
Low Back
Reading the Energy Body
MetaAnatomy of the Nervous System
We look at not just the physical components of the Nervous System but the energetic resonance and Yoga Techniques to become a better listener to your needs and more masterful of your responses. Join us for an exploration of the Nervous System that blends
Science and Spirituality
Western and Eastern Anatomy
Serious study and belly laughs
Is this right for me?
If you are looking for:
A nuanced approach that works with all levels of self
A practice that respects individual anatomies and experiences
Serious scientific study without taking ourselves too seriously
A practice that honors the richness of the Yoga practices and your inherent wholeness and holiness
Profound yet accessible techniques that will have an immediate effect on your practice and on your students
if yes, Then I can’t wait to meet you!
